What is Coaching?

by | Apr 16, 2024 | Coaching | 0 comments


Unleashing your power within involves discovering the real you, expressing what’s locked up inside, and recognizing that everything you want and need resides within. “

From the framework of what is called the Core Energy Coaching Process *, you can and will start living your full potential—the life you truly deserve. As a Certified Professional Coach, I’ll assist you in better managing your life, creating greater fulfillment, and identifying and living your dreams. Together, we’ll embark on an amazing journey of discovering the real you—the genius within.

As your coach, our partnership will help you:

  • Bring out the full potential within you:

    • Description: Imagine unlocking a treasure chest filled with your unique abilities, talents, and untapped energy. Bringing out your full potential means harnessing these resources to their maximum capacity. It’s about realizing that you are capable of more than you might currently believe.
    • Inspiration: “You hold the keys to your own potential. Dare to explore what lies within.”
  • Unleash the power that resides within:

    • Description: Within you lies an inner force—an untamed energy waiting to be set free. Unleashing this power involves breaking free from self-imposed limitations, fears, and doubts. It’s about tapping into resilience, creativity, and determination.
    • Inspiration: “Your power is like a dormant volcano—once awakened, it can reshape landscapes.”
  • Tap into your inner purpose and passion, connecting them to your outer goals for extraordinary and sustainable results:

    • Description: Purpose and passion are your compass. When you align them with tangible goals, magic happens. It’s not just about achieving results; it’s about creating meaningful impact. Sustainable success emerges when your inner fire fuels your outer actions.
    • Inspiration: “Purpose fuels progress; passion ignites persistence. Together, they forge an unbreakable chain.”
  • Fearlessly step into a space of true and positive change, starting from within by consciously connecting with your core thoughts and feelings:

    • Description: Change begins within. It’s about facing discomfort, questioning old patterns, and embracing growth. Fearlessness doesn’t mean absence of fear; it means acting despite fear. By understanding your inner landscape—thoughts, emotions, beliefs—you pave the way for positive transformation.
    • Inspiration: “Change is the artist; you are the canvas. Let transformation paint your masterpiece.”
  • Be challenged to focus on what you truly want, breaking through any barriers that hold you back from living your dreams:

    • Description: Dreams thrive on clarity and commitment. Challenges propel growth. As you focus on your desires, you’ll encounter obstacles—mental, emotional, external. Breaking through these barriers requires courage, resilience, and unwavering belief in your vision.
    • Inspiration: “Barriers are stepping stones. Each breakthrough brings you closer to your dream.”
  • Raise your conscious awareness:

    • Description: Consciousness is the lens through which you perceive life. Raising awareness means observing your thoughts, reactions, and choices. It’s about mindfulness, self-reflection, and expanding your perspective. As awareness deepens, so does your ability to navigate life consciously.
    • Inspiration: “Awareness is the compass; life is the journey. Navigate with intention.”
  • Master the art and science of being:

    • Description: Being isn’t passive; it’s an art form. It’s about harmonizing intuition (the art) with knowledge (the science). Mastery involves self-mastery—knowing when to act, when to pause, and when to listen. It’s the dance of existence.
    • Inspiration: “Life’s canvas awaits your brushstrokes. Paint boldly; masterfully.”

    * A unique process within the profession, founded by Dr. Bruce D. Schneider, iPEC’s founder

    What is coaching?

    I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never race their maximum capabilities.”


    Former CEO of Home Depot and Chrysler

    You would never expect a professional football team to enter the stadium without a coach. Not only that, it’s not about one coach; it’s about a whole team of coaches: head coach, defensive coach, offensive coach, special teams coach…

    The game of life is simply like that. History has shown that coaching has moved into the business and personal fields to include coaches who have succeeded in your area of interest and who can help you effectively and efficiently get from where you are to where you really want to be.

    Coaching, in a nutshell, is the partnership between the two of us, which will utilize an inside-out creative process that inspires you to live your dreams as well as your full potential in an extraordinary and sustainable way.

    My coaching partners with you in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential.

    It uses the concept called Core Energy Coaching, which is a deep transformational coaching process enabling our partnership to get to the core of your thoughts, emotions, and actions, and then to the core of you. This will help you consciously tap into your inner wisdom, purpose, and passion and connect that with your outer goals to bring about extraordinary and sustainable results.

    My coaching, based on the said concept of Core Energy Coaching, will help you not only manage but thrive in the face of change. It will positively challenge you to focus on what you really want and will help you recognize and break through what is holding you back from manifesting your real meaning of success.

    Regardless of whether your intention is to achieve a specific business goal or whether it is specifically to help you simply gain more clarity and growth in all aspects of your personal life, my coaching will help you to:

        • Take ownership of your life,
        • Be clear on why you’re here,
        • Believe in yourself and in your inner and higher coach,
        • Decide on what really matters in your life,
        • Attract what you really want,
        • Unleash the power of action and the underlying power of thoughts and emotions,
        • Unleash the power of constant commitment to never-ending improvement,
        • Unleash the power of gaining your full potential of positive energy, as well as the power of releasing the negative energy to free space for positive energy to expand further,
        • Unleash the power of setting goals and achieving sustainable results,
        • Discover and gain the power of your Energy Leadership,
        • Discover and gain awareness about your inner Energy blocks and gain strategies on how to overcome them, 
        • Discover and gain awareness about your inner Energy influencers and gain strategies on how to use them to access your full energy potential,
        • Unleash the power of awareness, consciousness, acceptance, trust, authenticity, fearlessness, confidence, connection, presence, and fully energetically engaged.

    How it works?

    ” Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
    Helen Keller

    At Creative2C, we believe in the power of transformation. Our coaching services are designed to ignite your inner fire, elevate your mindset, and propel you toward greatness. When you partner with us, you’re not just investing in coaching—you’re investing in your own growth, resilience, and fulfillment.

    Within this context, we will establish a robust partnership—an alliance grounded in an empowering environment characterized by confidence, openness, and unwavering trust. Here, you can freely express your authentic self. Here’s how we can empower you:

    • Individual Coaching Sessions:

       Dive deep into personalized coaching sessions tailored to your unique journey. We’ll explore your goals, challenges, and aspirations, unlocking insights that lead to meaningful change. Whether it’s career advancement, personal development, or life balance, we’re here to guide you.

    • Group Coaching Sessions:

       Join a dynamic community of like-minded individuals. Group coaching fosters collaboration, shared wisdom, and accountability. Together, we’ll celebrate wins, tackle obstacles, and amplify each other’s progress. It’s a supportive space where collective energy fuels individual breakthroughs.

    • Workshops and Speaking Engagements:

       Immerse yourself in interactive workshops and thought-provoking talks. Our engaging sessions cover topics such as resilience, leadership, creativity, and holistic well-being. Walk away with practical tools, fresh perspectives, and renewed motivation.

    • Energy Leadership Index Assessment and Debriefing:

       Discover your unique energy profile—the lens through which you perceive and respond to life. The Energy Leadership Index assessment unveils patterns, strengths, and blind spots. In our debriefing, we’ll decode your energy dynamics, empowering you to lead with intention and impact.

    • SCOPE (Specific Current Operational Profile of Energy) Assessment and Debriefing:

       Dive even deeper into your energy landscape. The SCOPE assessment zooms in on specific situations, revealing how you show up under stress, in relationships, and during pivotal moments. Let’s decode your energy blueprint and strategize for optimal performance.

    The Energy Leadership Index (E.L.I) Assessment & Debriefing Session

    ” If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”
    Peter Drucker

    The Energy Leadership Index Assessment provides insights into how you show up in various aspects of your life. It measures your potential leadership ability based on your level of consciousness and awareness regarding who you truly are and what life is genuinely about.

    Once you recognize that your level of awareness, or consciousness, directly influences your actions, you can transition from functioning effectively to functioning optimally. There are no limits to the growth you can achieve.

    As an Energy Leadership Index (E.L.I.) Master Practitioner, I am certified to provide the E.L.I. assessment and debrief the results. This remarkably accurate assessment offers profound insights into different aspects of your life: your attitude, behaviors, leadership style, capability, and perceptions of the world. Because attitude is subjective, it can be altered. By working with me, using the results of this assessment, you can shift your attitude and perspective, elevate your consciousness, and increase your energy as a result.

    During the debrief process, we will explore the Energetic Self-Perception chart and its related 7 levels of Energy Leadership (refer to the chart below). These key concepts will help you understand the assessment results and their significance in your life. Additionally, you will learn effective strategies for responding to various situations and identifying approaches that best serve both you and those around you.

      The SCOPE Assessment

      ” If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”
      Peter Drucker

      What is SCOPE?

      The SCOPE™ assessment app is a unique tool that helps clients measure their level of engagement and enthusiasm regarding a specific outcome or task before they act. Think of it as your digital sidekick that helps you and your clients choose your next move with intention, and increase your odds of achieving the outcome you truly want.

      In 2014, after years of development, IPEC released its newest assessment, SCOPE. SCOPE stands for Specific Current Operational Profile of Energy. With the introduction of SCOPE, you can now see your profile of energy — the energy that you have available (operational) for use right now (currently) with respect to the specific task you’re rating. SCOPE also shows you which factors are influencing your energetic state and gives you suggestions for how you can shift to more anabolic (powerful, constructive) energy. In other words, while the ELI measures overall energy, with SCOPE, you can now measure your energy in any given moment.

      Designed to be taken before any task, activity, or performance, the SCOPE assessment gives you a ‘Performance Factor’ which lets you know how energetically engaged you are in that moment with respect to what you’re rating. The higher your Performance Factor, the more likely it is that you’ll perform well. Keep in mind that everything you do in life can be related to performance. How energetically engaged you are with respect to any task will increase the likelihood of performing it well.

      When should you take SCOPE?

      You can take the SCOPE assessment before any performance or task you’re about to do. When you take SCOPE beforehand, fill out the assessment based on how you feel NOW, not how you think or expect you’ll feel when you’re actually performing or completing the task. You can take SCOPE afterwards as well; if you do, take it as you actually were feeling during the activity.

      After you complete SCOPE, your results and suggested strategies for raising your energy will appear on the screen.


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